I'm a politically liberal atheist. For those who find liberal and/or atheist views to be unbearable, consider yourselves forewarned. I encourage you to read, though, even if you don't align with my views. After all, this is the United States of America (well.....at least it is where I am) and the discussion of ideas is one of our most cherished freedoms.

The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. I will try to be accurate in my posts but there will surely come a time when I get something wrong. Feel free to notify me if it is something egregious or you believe the correction would alter my opinion.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Governor Mark Sanford

I've read and heard all the ups and downs of Gov. Sanford's disappearance and eventual return to South Carolina. He held a press conference and I watched it. Then I saw it in parts on many different shows the rest of the day.

Yes, he did wrong. What's worse, he's one of those holier than thou Republicans who has demanded that others, in similar situations, resign! And I agree to a certain point. If a political representative is whoring around I don't want him representing me. If he's managing his office and can keep his peccadilloes out of the public eye, then I guess I'm none the wiser.

What I saw yesterday was a man who was ill prepared for the press. That, along with the emails that were made public (between him and his lover) leads me to believe he is in love with this Argentinian woman.

Yes, his wife has stood beside him for 20 years. She doesn't deserve this. Yet, no one knows the condition of their marriage. It looks like he's planning on remaining the governor and trying to repair his marriage. That seems dishonest to me. I'd feel much better about him if he was honest. Told everyone that he loves this other woman and resigns from his office.

Yes, he has children. That is always the lynch pin in these matters. Perhaps he could arrange for his lover to move to the US (possibly with her children)? It's difficult, I know. After all, his wife knew about the affair, they split up with the idea that he'd get straight with his feelings. Why did he spend so long in Argentina or better yet, why did he go at all? I know I wouldn't trust he was over his affair if he just HAD to go there to break it off. No. I just detest forced reconciliations. They make me so uncomfortable.

Waaah, Waaah

What is wrong with Sarah Palin? No, I don't mean "I'm a liberal and she is my antithesis". I am serious. What the heck is wrong with her?

I just read about a satirical picture of her. It was originally of her holding her baby, Trig (lest you ever forget what one of her children's names is). The picture has been doctored so that a local conservative talk show host's face appears instead of Trig's.

It is obviously, to those of us with evolved brains, a commentary on how much this talk show host would love to be "cuddled" by the governor. It's called satire.

Well, as usual, Palin is whining. She claims the image is an iconic one showing the love between a mother and special needs child. She calls what was done DESECRATION! Isn't that word only used for sacred items and places?

This woman is a poor excuse for an adult. She doesn't understand satire. She blames President Obama for this "desecration" because it was done by a Democratic National Committee's official blogger in Alaska.

Just imagine. There was a chance, however slight, that this woman could've been our Vice President and, gulp, possibly our President. We dodged a bullet, a great big beehive hairdo bullet on that one folks.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Right Wing Mentality

I have not been quick witted enough to put it into words. Glenn Greenwald, at Salon.com has done it for me. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/06/12/self_absorption/index.html

I agree profusely. The Right Wing is black or white, never any shades of gray. They don't empathize at all. They're just not right, I mean, correct.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This is why they're called 'Right' (gag)

Did you know that President Obama has failed? Yup, just 4½ short months after taking office, he has managed to ruin our economy, ruin our standing in the world by "apologizing" for the foreign policy mistakes made before he was inaugurated ('cause we know there weren't any mistakes), is currently ruining healthcare and what was he thinking by selecting Judge Sotomayor for the SCOTUS?

Former President Bush didn't send out tons of money to the financial sector. Obama did...and did so as quickly as possible. He must have made some promises to some bad actors on Wall Street. Our economy was swimming along just fine until President Obama lied to us and claimed that we needed to spend trillions and trillions of dollars to shore up our economy. He even had the audacity to claim we might fall into a depression similar to the one back in the 1930s! As if that could ever possibly happen again, LOL.

Then Obama proceeds to travel to foreign nations to apologize for our foreign policy of late. Doesn't he realize that Europe is permanently indebted to us for our aid in WWII? We saved their butts and they should be damn glad to be affected by anything our country does, such as starting wars or contributing to the economic condition of the world.

The Middle East should also be damn glad we stepped in to wrestle those weapons of mass destruction, er, um, to bring democracy to Iraq. We made a strategic point to ramp up our involvement in Iraq to make sure Saddam Hussein was removed from power and the citizens could bring him to justice. We'll get bin Laden, eventually. Our plan to allow enough time to pass that capturing bin Laden would be anticlimactic has worked out marvelously!

And this healthcare idea of his, what is he thinking? The people in this country, who have insurance, work darn hard for it. It's not our problem if some lazy people don't have it. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. We can't be expected to provide healthcare to all of our citizens! What first world country does that? The Constitution doesn't mention healthcare as one of our rights in this nation. It doesn't matter that health insurance was not even a concept when the Constitution was written. We should only do those things that our Founding Fathers deemed correct. After all, there's nothing more important that being a stagnant, unmoving country, which doesn't consider things outside the box. It's not like we have any people in place to ponder what really is suitable for our government to consider or implement.

And what's the deal with this racist, militant, vitriolic woman he has selected to be our next justice on the Supreme Court? She is a radical racist with aggressive tactics who obviously fooled people on her way through the educational system because she certainly couldn't have earned her Ivy League education and her position in her graduating class (not to mention her position on the Yale Law Review). Oh yes, there is something fishy going on there, for sure!


Well, my tongue is now spasming for being in my cheek for this length of time. I am not a GOP admirer, duh. I am not a Democratic Storm Trooper, either (Star Wars reference, I do see the Dems' faults).

What I don't understand is how RW television and radio fans can really believe the tripe that is pumped into their ears. No one is as bad as they purport our president to be. Gosh, I hate to even type this but even GWB wasn't as bad as they claim our current president to be....well, he was close, but not quite.....


President Obama was just on television explaining that he is trying to resurrect Pay as you Go. This plan worked for Clinton in the '90s and was dismantled. There are a number of financial institutions, which are prepared to repay taxpayers the bail out money they received, plus interest.

Good news!

Strange People

Maybe I am the strange one? There's a poster at the migraine discussion forum I frequent who, to me, seemed to lash out strangely about a doctor who posts at the forum. Then he lashed out at those who called him on it. Later he lashed out at most everyone, telling them they weren't as intelligent as him.

I took it upon myself to start a new thread to lambaste this guy. It was similar to a mother grabbing her toddler who was having a tantrum and smacking him on the bottom. This guy needed to be taken to task for the irresponsible comments he made.

Luckily, most of the other posters agreed with my take on things. I saw some later posts by this guy which seemed to be more rational and then out of nowhere, he seemed to blow a gasket again!

I'm done with this. He's obviously not a rational person but there's nothing I can do about it. I have stuck my nose in it enough. If someone else gets fed up with him, maybe the moderator will be contacted. Until then, I'm staying away from this guy. I will cross the cyber street to avoid being within ear shot of his nonsense.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh No! I Agree (somewhat) with Dick Cheney!!!

Dick Cheney supports same-sex marriage. There, I posted it. I wish that was all I had to do but my conscience forces me to examine this further.

It seems that this man may be human after all. I am not clearing him of a multitude of crimes against humanity but in this case, I think he's come to a fairly logical conclusion.

The only place I disagree is Cheney believes this is a states' issue; that marriage has always been regulated by the state. I feel this is a national issue. Marriage equality should be mandated in all states, at the same time. Whatever the rules are for hetero marriage in each state will be the rules for same-sex marriage. Now why don't people just ask me how things should be done (set up). I always have the right answers! LOL

In fact, we shouldn't call it same-sex marriage once it becomes legal. It will just be marriage like hetero-sexual marriage is just plain marriage.

Now, onto why Dick Cheney has come out (pardon the pun) with this opinion. I think he's felt this way for a very long time. It just wasn't politically expedient for him to express it.

He has a daughter, Mary, who is in a stable relationship with a woman and they have a child (I believe only one). I remember the very uncomfortable Vice Presidential debate in 2004 between Cheney and John Edwards. The topic was brought up. Dick didn't appreciate his daughter's life being discussed on national television. If only someone had told him that was likely to happen. He might have opted not to run for VP (wouldn't that have been wonderful?).

It was very obvious that Cheney didn't want to make any claims about rights for homosexual citizens. If he truly felt the same way the GOP has established their opinion on such matters, he would've said so. I am sure of it. He showed his hand there.

So, now, halfway into the year 2009, Dick Cheney has expressed a progressive opinion as his own. Is there hope for him? I doubt it. Is there hope for those people on the 'Right'? Yes, most definitely. If Dick can do it, so can they!

Right Wing Terror

No, it's not the Taliban but in some ways, it is worse. Here in the United States of America, we allow the Right Wing to bandy about phrases which hit the ears of fringe elements of our society. Then those fringe elements believe they are being called to take action.

Of course what I am speaking about is the heinous assassination of Dr. George Tiller on May 31st, as he was attending his church. What is so bizarre is the crime was committed by a man who purports to be a Pro-Life believer. What utter nonsense!

And what bastion of Right Wing criminality do I blame for some of this? Fox News. Bill O'Reilly has broadcast his opinion of Dr. Tiller's perfectly legal medical practice. He said the doctor had 'blood on his hands' amongst other trigger speech.

Randall Terry said George R. Tiller "was a mass murderer and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed."

All of this rhetoric fuels the fire in the minds of the weak minded. The people who believe they are singled out to do something about it. We live in a land of free speech but it must be done with care and concern for the consequences. In fact, my "speech" here might fuel the fire of someone on the left to take action towards those who I deem responsible for this.

Alas, I don't have an audience of thousands listening to me as if I know all the answers. I do, but that is another topic for another day ;-)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

President Obama selected a self-made, Ivy League educated, highly experienced woman to the soon to-be-open position on the Supreme Court of the United States. What a responsible choice he made!

Of course, the GOP is bending over backwards trying to make political hay out of this decision. It would be much too much to ask them to admit our president made a fantastic choice. No, they can't do that. What would the "right" think?

There is a problem for the GOP, though. Ms. Sotomayor is a Latina and Hispanics are a large constituency the Republicans don't want to alienate. So the elected people of that party are not making any derogatory comments. They're allowing their almighty leader, Jabba the ..... oops, I mean Rush Limbaugh and his ilk to make them.

The Republicans are not man/woman enough to stand up and make negative claims against Ms. Sotomayor themselves. They're pretending to be upstanding, reasoned people while the loony bin of the Right shoots off their mouths.

In the end, it will all be for naught. Ms. Sotomayor, barring any unforeseen problems, will become a Supreme Court Justice. The Right will claim to have done due diligence in their interrogation of her. Then we can all hope for an additional SCOTUS retirement during Obama's tenure (preferably, a conservative's retirement).